Wednesday, November 16, 2011

When the Sakura tree Blooms!! #8 *Byakuya love story* lemon

*Byakuya’s POV*
Coming out of the bathroom rubbing a towel through my hair to dry it while sitting down on the couch with Lilith. Not having opened his eyes yet. Only wearing pajama bottoms. Opening my eyes after a little bit and looked at Lilith only to feel his pants tighten some. ‘Why the….Why is she wearing that?’ I thought looking her up and down unable to help it.
*Kiromi’s POV*
Looking at Byakuya realizing he was staring at me which mad me turn a slight color before deciding to do what I wanted. Moving closer to him trying to tempted him. Leaning forward so my mouth was a little bit away from his. Which worked. Having his lips come onto mine. Moving so I was straddling him as his arms wrapped around me. Wrapping my legs around his waist pushing mine to his noticing how much more rough his kiss got from me doing this. Which for some reason encouraged me even more. All my stuff was in his room.
Starting to grind my hips into his having my mouth open in a small moan to have his tongue in my mouth and to be instantly pinned to the bed. Turning a pink at this while he was grinding against me. His hands going to my breast where he started rubbing my nipples through the fabric. Making me moan into his mouth again as I rubbed my tongue back to his. Loving being so close to him. Having my back arch as he simply ripped the top of what I was wearing. Soon having his mouth come from my mouth and start kissing from my cheek to my jaw and then to my neck searching for a spot he liked while moaning louder feeling him getting hard against me. A blush on my face unable to help it as he kept touching my chest. Moaning again when he hit the right spot which he instantly focused on. Licking, sucking nibbling and kissing the spot.
Feeling the panties I had on getting wetter and hotter which was making me uncomfortable because I wasn’t use to it at all. Biting my lips lightly as his tongue flicked one of my nipples. Making me moan out loudly needing to feel that again which luckily I did on my other one. My hands going into his hair unable to help it as one trailed down around his back rubbing his shoulders gently along with messaging his back while my head tiled back feeling his hands sliding up and done my sides. Gasping loudly when I felt one of his hands between my legs and rubbing me through my panties. So wet that my panties were soaked through and was already starting to run down my thighs.
“So wet” he mumbled against my chest as he kissed down my stomach and took the panties with him as he went down. Turning a deeper red feeling his tongue sliding up from mid-thigh until his tongue flicked against my entrance. Gasping loudly as his tongue started rubbing against my clitoris and had his fingers teasing my entrance before pushing one up into me. Tensing up lightly not use to the feeling. It hurt some as he thrusts it into me slowly waiting for me to get use to it before adding another of his fingers thrusting inside of me as he watched my face. A dark color on my face while moving my hips lightly to his fingers moaning lightly as he started moving his fingers inside of me faster. Not use to this feeling at all. It felt good but also very strange as he added another finger inside of me. While moving his fingers much faster inside. Thrusting them in and out of me harder than before. Breathing heavy while my hips moved a little to his fingers with my eyes closed. Hands in his hairs.
Able to feel him smirking against me. “o-oh” I moaned loudly with a deep red on my face while moving my hips to his fingers that where moving faster then before as he moved up so his mouth was over mine kissing me roughly as I kissed him back in the same needy way that he was giving. Before he suddenly thrusts his fingers inside of me harder then before. Letting out a slight cry against his lips while coming onto his hand. Breathing heavily while pulling away from the kiss watching him with cloudy eyes. Turning a deeper red when he licked his fingers clean seeming to enjoy it having showed me his hand before he did.
Glancing down while flipping him suddenly which he didn’t seems to like to much until my hand gripped him through his pants and boxers. Knowing they were boxers from how low his pants where from how hard and big he was in his pants giving me a good view of his them. Kissing his chest and nipping at some places while my hands slide up and down him slowly through his pants and boxers before quickly undoing them still dripping wet and just the feeling of him. Pulling down his pants along with his boxers and tossed them off while looking at him with a deep red on my face as my fingers touched him curiously. While moving my face closer to him letting the tip of my tongue swipe over the tip noticing also that he seemed to be in pain from how hard he was which I was right when he suddenly flipped me and thrusts up into me with a sigh of relief. While I made a yelp not having expected it to hurt this much. Gripping his shoulders whimpering loudly practically crying. While bleeding onto the sheets as he stayed still his arms wrapped around me holding me in place stopping me from wiggling to try and get away from the pain.
“Stay still” he growled lightly trying hard not to thrust into me roughly from how bad he was right now and with the little wiggling it was making it bad. Breathing heavily while just barring my face in his neck. Shaking lightly in pain.
Slowly having it start to fade as he started thrusting inside of me gently. Breathing heavier while letting out a light moan when all the pain went away and he instantly reacted by thrusting a bit faster. Pulling out to his tip before thrusting back inside of me. Making me moan even louder as my head tilted back.
My hips moving to his loving the feeling. It felt good. Oh so god. Even with how big he was he still fit. Though it was a pretty tight fit. My whole body arched up into his as he picked up his pace unable to help it. In out in out at a fast pace but could tell he wasn’t going as hard as he could.
Blushing a deep red time having passed by and right now Byakuya was just slamming into me. Making my chest bounce with each thrust. To far gone to care about anything right now while breathing heavy. Letting out a cry of his name when he suddenly hit a spot earning a faint grin from him as he started hitting that spot perfectly. Getting louder and louder with each thrust breathing heavy with a deep blush on my face.
“Aha” Moaning louder then I have before as his name came from my mouth as small whispers. Unable to help it while moving my hips to his unable to stop myself as my falls started spazzing around him. Coming with a loud scream embarrassed he got me to come so quickly. Only for him to almost silently groan while coming inside of me after a few more thrusts. Letting out another moan from feeling him coming.
Breathing heavy as he rolled to the side and laid down next to me. Snuggling up into him while falling asleep almost instantly tired right now.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

When the sakura tree blooms! #5 *Byakuya love story* Aizens plan against Lilith

~3 days later~
*Gin’s POV*
Everything was in play. Everyone that would be going to the execution was heading that way while I hid my spiritual pressure so no one could feel where I was going. Especially not the Kuchiki. Aizens plans getting under way while I went to fulfill another one of them. It wasn’t really part of his plans in the full run but he wanted to hurt Byakuya’s pride more then he already is as it is. Which involved the poor little Lilith. Landing outside of the room that I knew was hers in the garden. Having observed this.
Knocking lightly on the door and heard a shuffle from inside before the door opened to Lilith. “Oh. Hello Ichimaru” she said smiling slightly lopsided but I couldn’t see why because half her face was in the shadows. “Did you need something?” she asked letting me in.
“Yes actually” I said sliding the door shut behind me and locked it. She already having walked over to the tea table in the room and sat down so she didn’t see or hear the lock because it was so quiet. Taking a breath and walked to her keeping my usual demeanor. Grabbing her by the back of her kimono and tossed her onto the bed. Her letting out a yelp as I appeared on top of her pinning her down.
“W-What are you doing? Get off me” she said starting to struggle and panic. Though I easily held her down like it was nothing. Seeing the bruise on her cheek. It was a surprise because it was so dark and it was bluish purple and black.
“My. The kuchiki got violent with ya” I said forcing her top open and grabbed one of her breasts making her start to cry a bit but she didn’t stop struggling. “Now Now. If you stop I’ll be nicer to ya then what lord Aizen wants” I said actually not wanting to hurt her to much like he wants me to. She didn’t stop struggling. Actually when a sound of someone coming distracted me for a second her foot made contact with my face and sent me back as she too the chance to run to the door and tried to open it but it was locked and before she could unlock it I had my zanpakuto in her side hitting a certain part that would really hurt but wouldn’t kill her as long as she didn’t bleed out. Watching her fall to the ground as I walked over to her grabbing her by the foot and dragged her back to the bed leaving a trail of blood and tossed her on it.
Getting back on top of her as she was shaking in pain clearly never having been stabbed or had anything go through her like that. “Behave” I said pushing her kimono off her and started to gently rub her thighs gently making her cry louder still trying to get away even though she was injured she still had fight in her. Which was actually proving difficult. Ending up having to push my zanpakuto into her shoulder to pin her down as shy cried out in pain. Forcing my lips on top of hers while rubbing her thighs roughly knowing I needed to speed this up.
“You bit my tongue I’ll hurt you more” I said before putting my tongue in her mouth as she tried to get her face away from mine still struggling a little but was starting to decrease. She was starting to comply because she didn’t want to be caused any more pain then what she already was in. Rolling her panties to the side and thrusts three fingers up into her. Which made her cry even louder as she tried to get away from my hand even though my zanpakuto was cutting up her shoulder even more as a puddle of blood was getting larger under her.
Sighing in frustration as I dug my nails into her thighs while removing my pants. And then my boxers and pushed inside of her which made her pass out. But I didn’t break her barrier. No. It was not mine to take. Though I did crack it before pulling away from her body kissing her on the cheek pulling my zanpakuto out of her having blood come out of her as she stayed there unconscious and not moving at all. Breathing heavy. “Sorry Lilith. But I need Aizen to trust me” I said and left.
*Byakuya’s POV*
“My. My. Ya came to save one of your girls. It’s sad really. That bruise on poor little Liliths face” Gin said as he was lifted up with Aizen and Tosen going to Hueco Mundo. “What a pity” he added before the garganta closed. Not understanding what he was getting at as Unahana started healing me. Telling Rukia about her sister Hisana. “Rukia. Could you go and check on Lilith?” I asked and she nodded and ran off. For some reason having a very bad feeling with what Gin said and she was the only other girl that’s mine.
*Rukia’s POV*
Staring horrified at what I saw. Having had to break the door only to see wall the blood around the room. A table knocked over. Blood running off the bed and down the steps from the bed to the carpet. Running over to Lilith. She was so pale. Large black bags under her eyes. The only color on her face was a blue and purple bruise on her cheek. Trying to find a pulse. Any pulse. But didn’t really find one until she took a breath a pulse came then it went away when she stopped breathing and came back again when she took a breath. Instantly wrapping bandages around her before picking her up on my back even though she was a bit bigger than me I still managed to carry her on my back.
Running. Looking for a squad four member but the problem was they were all on the Sokyoku. Running there. Trying to get there as fast as I possibly could. Managing to get up there but she completely stopped breathing a while back. “Orihime. Unahana. Someone” I screamed running towards them with Lilith still on my back. Pretty close to crying. I had gotten very close to her. Orihime having just finished fixing Ichigo and Unahana had just finished bandaging Byakuya. Having Unahana and Orihime run over as I fell and hit the ground before rolling sideways so Lilith would lay on her back. “S-She’s not breathing. She was breathing 5 minutes ago” I said rubbing my cheeks while Unahana and Orihime started to work. Trying to stay there only to have Unahana push me away while the two tried to get her to breath. Orihime healing her body while Unahana worked on her pulse and breathing that wasn’t there.
Looking over at Byakuya to see he was sitting up with wide eyes. Walking back over to him. “What happened?” he asked staring at her still.
“I don’t know. When I got to her room her door to the house was locked and something holding it shut. The table in her room was flipped and looked like she was struggling. She managed to get to the door and had a zanpakuto through her then was dragged back to the bed and stabled again. Her thighs had wounds where it looked like finger nails dug into her thighs and cut her. Anything else I’m not sure off but she was lying in a puddle that was starting to fall off the futon she sleeps on” I replied looking at the ground. Seeing how Byakuya’s hands turned to fists. Outraged right now.